What is the best book you have every read? This might differ from your favorite book or series.
I know this is a really hard answer, but please try to only give 1.
I know this is a really hard answer, but please try to only give 1.
My Answer:
After much consideration the best book I have ever read is:
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
And you?

This is extremely difficult . I have a list of 60 favorites over at Goodreads . If I had to choose one I would say The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant.
Best book?
Hands down To Kill A Mockingbird. Not my #1 favourite, though I do love it, but it is so amazing and everyone has read it.
I think, honestly, the best books I've ever read is I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusack
OK, I have to go with Halfway to the Grave (The Night Huntress Series) from Jeaniene Frost. She is my favorite Author :)
Green Eggs and Ham.
I remember it being the first book I learned to read, and it's always been with me. It's got a great lesson that even adults should follow; be willing to try something new.
Hopefully it doesn't make me seem too silly.
Raven Corinn Carluk
My all-time favorite is Pillars too!!! Have you read World Without End? It's number two for me. So, So, So good!
@Kelli - Haven't read it yet, but I should soon!
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