When you travel, how many books do you bring with you?
Has this changed since the arrival of ebooks?
Has this changed since the arrival of ebooks?
I take a book for every 4 days of travel :) Not that I ever get time to read, but you never know :P
Nope hasn't changed since the arrival of e-books.
What about you?

I always took way too many books with me. 10 for a week's travel but now with my Nook, I take all of them.
Sounds like you've got your travel routine very well organized! Yes, I usually don't get as much time to read as I think I will, when I'm traveling. But I like to be prepared!
It's always better to have more books than you need than not enough! (I'm sure that's a rule in the official reader's handbook....)
It's so hard to tell. What if it rains, you're stuck inside, and you already read all your books on the plane? So I always overthink it like that and end up so busy vacationing I don't read a thing!
Thanks for visiting me today. Even though we don't read the same genre of books, you always visit and leave me such nice comments.
I only take 2 books at the most when I travel, if I run out of books to read, I can always visit a bookstore.
I reduce a stack of about 10 books to 2 trade paperbacks and Kindle when I fly to Asia.
The most books I take are three. Here is my post: http://pageflippinaddict.wordpress.com/2010/10/07/booking-through-thursday-travel/
I take about three paper books and my Nook when I travel now. Used to, I had a separate bag for my books when traveling!!
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