And I am Team Unicorn!

Why you ask?
* Well they are aweseme for one!
* They are in Harry Potter :P (Thx Fiona)
* They smell like cookies
* They can kick Zombie ass by impaling them with their horns!
* There isn't blood dripping all over them
* They can fly!
* They once again kick Zombie ass by using their laser beams that come out of their horns! (yes you read right).
Now really I don't think I need to go on, point made :)
What team are you?

The last point, wow!!!! Woohoo, team unicorn all the way!
YAAY! Team Unicorn!
Once again Team Unicorn has proven they are quite delusional. I pity you.
ooo, laser beams?
lol yea laser beams!
You wish McPig!
Zombies were in Harry Potter,too! You remember a little thing called infiri?
heh, I wonder what a unicorn would really smell like - I've now read horse, cupcakes, and cookies.
go team unicorn
Yeah!!!! Welcome to the (RIGHT) team!!
I like the last reason! XD Team Unicorns!
Me too... I'm all about the unicorn.
Black Disaster Fairy
Team Unicorn, baby, all the way!!!
Technically, it's pegusi that fly. Unicorns just barf rainbows. (haha)
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