Friday, December 30, 2011

Review: A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time (Time #1) by Madeleine L'Engle

Published March 15th 1973 by Yearling (first published January 1st 1962)
Paperback, 211 pages
Source: Library

"It is a dark and stormy night. Meg Murry, her small brother Charles Wallace, and their mother are in the kitchen for a midnight snack when a most disturbing visitor arrives.

"Wild nights are my glory," the unearthly stranger tells them. "I just got caught in a downdraft and blown off course. Let me sit down for a moment, and then I'll be on my way. Speaking of ways, by the way, there is such a thing as a tesserac."

Meg's father had been experimenting with this fifth dimension of time travel when he mysteriously disappeared. Now the time has come for Meg, her friend Calvin, and Charles Wallace to rescue him. But can they outwit the forces of evil they will encounter on their heart-stopping journey through space?

- From Goodreads



Well obviously I didn’t like this book if you look at my rating. Now let me tell you why:

What was going on? Is it just me or was it very confusing? Jumping from one thing to another? I guess it’s supposed to be like that. That the author was trying something new or trying to be different. But it didn’t work for me.

Meg was annoying and bratty, understandable though as she has to go rescue her father while traveling with her little brother that is a 40 year old in my opinion. And with Calvin the heartthrob… shoot me now.

Ah yes then the three witches? Can I call them witches? Who knows I lost interest in them the moment they arrived.

What was wrong with this book? It’s supposed to be a children’s book? Is this a joke? Did I miss it?

I felt the author was forcing details and events into places where they shouldn’t be. I honestly can’t name one thing I liked about this book.

It is easily the most overrated book I have every read. I wanted to gauge my eyes out by the end.

“If you aren't unhappy sometimes you don't know how to be happy.”
Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time 


Angela said...

I read this book this year too and had a similar reaction. I don't know if its just one of those books that you can only read as a kid and enjoy (because you don't know or have enough experience to pick apart).

Cialina at said...

I guess I have a different perspective on this book since I read it for class. I didn't think it was a life changing book or anything, but I understood where L'Engle was coming from.

Yeah, I didn't really like Meg either and to be honest, I found that the book was a bit heavy handed in the religious aspect. I just couldn't wrap my head around the whole "good conquers all" and it bordered on a bit preachy for me. But I did like her little brother Charles Wallace a lot.

I think A Wrinkle in Time is influential for the time period it was written and it did make an impact for authors of this day. But it just wasn't for me.

Belle said...

Wow! I've never read this book but know it's considered a classic so I assumed it must be good - now I'm not so sure! I'm interested to check it out to see if I have the same reaction. Great honest review.

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